Funhouse Lounge


A Little Dark Knight Music

POW! BAM! The Funhouse Lounge is pleased to present this brand new, original musical retelling of the origin and adventures of the Caped Crusader.  Drawing from the comic books, TV series, and countless movies, this show has it all;  Revenge, Love, Fear, Ninjas, Gargoyles, Schemes, Super-villains, Crime, Passion, a Secret Cave, a Signal in the Sky, a Butler and all those Wonderful Toys. Whether you are a die-hard Bat-fan or a newcomer to the legend, you will love this hilarious and heartfelt homage to Gotham’s Guardian. 

Written by the team that brought you the musical parodies of Pulp Fiction and Die Hard, this promises to be the show you need, and the show you deserve.

Evening shows begin at 6:45pm
Matinee shows begin at 3:00pm

Starring: Sean Ryan Lamb, Kenzie Chapman, Landy Lamb, Andy Barrett, Kate Faye Cummings, Rhansen Mars, Darrell McGee, Bethany Ziskind, Doug Zimmerman, and Andrew Poletto

Written and Directed by Andy Barrett
Assistant Directed by Sara King

Music by James Liptak and Andy Barrett

Tip the cast and crew!
